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Image of a translucent white flower on an arched stalk. This artwork is an alteration of a photograph by brosimoff.


Safety Rating: Harmless to beneficial.

Environment: Any location with significant Necromantic Magic.

Details: This small, delicate perennial with silvery-green leaves grows about a foot tall. In bright sunlight, Ghostleaf looks like an ordinary plant, and is easily overlooked, but in the dark of night it has an eerie, green-white glow.

Ghostleaf protects itself from harm by using Necromantic Magic to become insubstantial any time something touches it. This is why Ghostleaf needs Necromantic Magic to grow. The more Necromantic Magic there is, the faster it grows. That means that there is a lot of Ghostleaf in places where there are a lot of undead.

Lore: Ghostleaf, especially at night when it is more visible, is an important indicator plant for the long-term presence of undead. It is also frequently used in Necromantic Magic. In addition, those with Necromantic or Plant Magic can harness its magic to make themselves insubstantial. In order to do this, a sprig of Ghostleaf must be harvested while the plant is substantial, a non-trivial task. Mechanically speaking, one sprig of Ghostleaf makes the spell caster prepared on one roll to make someone become insubstantial.


Ghostleaf is part of the Crossroads Setting for the tabletop role-playing game, Magic Goes Awry. Click here to go to the list of strange and whimsical magical plants from the Land of Crossroads.


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