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Custom Mechanics

If there are traits that you want your character to have that aren’t currently represented in the game, this section will provide options and ideas for creating a custom mechanic to put that trait into the game.

Section in progress!

This is a digital artwork of a yellow and green budgerigar sitting on a branch with a tiger head that is the same color as its yellow feathers.

This is a digital artwork of a yellow and green budgerigar sitting on a branch with a tiger head that is the same color as its yellow feathers.



Create the Mechanic

This section will give some general advice on creating mechanics.

For advice on creating disabled characters, check out the Universal Disabled Character Creation Guide for TTRPGs.



Balance the Game

This section will give some general advice on making sure things stay balanced.  This will be a more specific version of the advice given in Step 6 of the Universal Disabled Character Creation Guide for TTRPGs.


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