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Photograph of a colorful sign that reads, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights. No Person Is Illegal. Black Lives Matter. Science is Real. Love is love.”


Fay Onyx

Hello! I am the main artist, writer, podcaster, and game designer behind this website. You can find out more about me here.



If you would like to send me an email, please fill out this contact form.


Banner art

The beautiful banner art of Tala and the world of Alchemy was created by artist Niki Smith.



Lara Milton of Spectrum Editing provides the editing for the stories on this site. Please note that she is not responsible for the discussions, articles, or other aspects of this website. I take full responsibility for all typos and missing commas. 🙂


Accessibility and this Website

I am doing my best to make this website as accessible as possible, including recent updates designed to improve overall website accessibility. However I am a single human being with limited technical knowledge and a limited budget. If there is something I could improve, please let me know with the understanding that there are barriers I am facing in making things as fully accessible as I want them to be. In particular, I cannot currently afford to get episode transcriptions for my podcast (something I hope to do in the future). Erin Hawley wrote an amazing short article on this topic called “When Accessibility Isn’t Accessible” which gives more details on these sorts of struggles.


Planned Projects

For those who are interested in knowing more about what is coming in the future, I am currently working on an article listing all of projects that are currently in the works.


Artistic Goals

To tackle oppression in a holistic manner. To move the center of focus onto people who live at the intersections. To take on all of the different, subtle ways that oppression gets recreated so that I can create narratives that heal and empower on multiple levels. To maintain an overall positive and empowering outlook while making space for the tough stuff people live with and affirming that life and oppression can be really difficult. To create stories all people can enjoy without reservation.


Holistic Approach to Tackling Oppression

For all my life I have felt a lack of stories that really incorporate all of us at the margins. Many people have addressed oppression one piece at a time. This is an important part of change, but I want to push it farther. If we only add in one or two oppressed identities at a time, the center of focus, the default human, never stops being cis while straight able-bodied men. My art tackles oppression in a holistic manner, aiming to include intersectional characters who represent a range of oppressed identities at once, just as the people in my life experience multiple oppressions at once. This includes representing women, people of color, sex workers, and people who are queer, pansexual, asexual, gender non-binary, trans, fat, femme, butch, disabled, neurodiverse, and polyamorous. But this alone isn’t enough. I also work to replace words, metaphors, symbolism, plots, and themes that contain oppression with ones that further empowerment.


Ethical Goals

To oppose oppression and oppressive structures. To seek out and dismantle as much oppression as I can in and through my work. To engage with podcast guests in a manner that respects them as artists, thinkers, and cultural workers. To let guests decide how they want to be represented. To put in the prep work necessary to connect the projects and work of my guests to the discussion so that there is space for them to share/delve into aspects of their own work and experience (not just mine). To make being a guest on my podcast an experience that is mutually rewarding and that we both benefit from.

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